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3 Dec. 9PM - Theater m/12 

Cineteatro Louletano

Tickets: 8€

Homo Sacer has its origins in the Roman law used to designate those who never had or no longer had an identity and thus surrendered their fatum to the Gods: an Oedipus who, after gouging out his eyes, wanders off at the mercy of anyone, a Roman soldier who, in battle, in the pursuit of victory, throws himself into enemy territory because the likelihood of returning is slim, the Calon who, at the time of the transition to industrial society, were labelled and persecuted with the epithet of having an aversion to work. They are faces of oblivion that melt away. They are spectral bodies, the power of those who are there but are invisible.

Drawing on Roswitha Scholz's book "Homo Sacer and the Gypsies" as a reference point, Maria Gil, actress and activist, joins Teresa V. Vaz in a reflection on antigypsyism, which is both anthropological and political.

Direction and dramaturgy: Maria Gil e Teresa V. Vaz

Creation and performance: Afonso Viriato, Helena Caldeira, Kali Musa, Maria Gil, Miguel Ponte, Teresa Manjua, Vasco Lello

Theoretical curation and dramaturgical support: Silvia Rodríguez Maeso 

Sound space: Nuno Preto e Samuel Martins Coelho 

Light design: Manuel Abrantes 

Scenic space: Daniela Cardante 

Wardrobe: Isabel Brissos

Production management: Bestiário  

Production management support: Bruno Esteves

Executive production: Diana Almeida 

Video: Rafael Fonseca

Photography: Bruno Simão 

Media relations: Helena Marteleira 

Accounting: António Abrantes - Contabilidade e Serviços

Booklet layout: Bruno Inácio 

Booklet revision: António Pedro

Co-production: Casa da Cultura de Ílhavo - 23 Milhas, Teatro Municipal de Bragança, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Teatro Viriato 

Host venues: Cine Teatro Curvo Semedo, Cine teatro de Elvas, Cine Teatro de Serpa, Mákina de Cena - Festival Contrapeso e Cine Teatro Louletano 

Co-production residencies: Casa da Cultura de Ílhavo - 23 Milhas, O Espaço do Tempo, Teatro Viriato

Residencies: DeVIR CAPa

Funding: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, República Portuguesa - Cultura I DGARTES – Direção-Geral das Artes

Endorsements: Bestiário (editora), CoffeePaste, Gerador, Pólo Cultural das Gaivotas

Acknowledgements: Aluízio Azevedo Júnior, António Fernandes Pinto, Bruno Gonçalves, Cátia Montes, Carlos Vieira, Cíntia Montes, David Erlich, David Fernandes, Mariana Gil, Olga Magano, Rui Salabarda, Vânia Lourenço, Vicente Gil

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