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2 Dec. 6PM - Theatre m/16 

Casa da Mákina

Tickets: 5€

A condemned man, bearing his chest open and testifying about the events of his uncompromised existence, indifferent to the judgement of others, presents himself as an “Other-Foreigner” in the eyes of the “I-Self”, digging a pit where he might pour his viscerally corporeal nature.

Without a lawyer to defend him and restrain his subjectivity, without faith to support him and deceive him about his own finitude, placing himself under the judgement of his counterparts. Within a sandbox, where each grain is an ""I-Self"" among millions of others, as if mirroring a permanently eroding humanity whose foundations are nothing more than castles by the sea.

Oficina de Ideias das Terras do Oeste (OITO) is a multidisciplinary structure with a particular focus on theatre creation and training, which boasts projects such as Os qu'emigraRAM and O Infinito Estrangeiro, as well as the Oficina de Teatro da Calheta, which has been active since 2020. Moreover, it produced TÚNEL 8 – Festival das Artes, whose first edition took place in 2023.

Script: Luís Lobo Pimenta e Ricardo Brito

Staging: Ricardo Brito

Performance: Alice Libório e Luís Lobo Pimenta

Set and Costume design: Ana Brum

Musical composition and Sound design: Márcio Faria

Light design: Ricardo Brito


Production Manager: Alice Libório

Co-production: Oficina de Ideias das Terras do Oeste, Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias

Funding: Direção Geral das Artes e Câmara Municipal do Funchal.

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